Our Library
The Westlake Library is more than just a vital place for the peaceful reflection, rest and safety that every student needs from time to time. It is also a gateway to navigating not only literacy, but an understanding of how to safely and responsibly interact with the internet.
Our librarians teach curriculum at all grade levels on best practices for our students to protect themselves and grow their knowledge in using technology and online resources.
Library Links
Did you know that you can use the library at UCSC? Teachers, you can get a library card! UCSC Library
Our national library, the Library of Congress, has a variety of online resources. Check out the digital collections including the American Memory collection. Library of Congress
The American Library Association is a wealth of information. American Library Association
Our Westlake Elementary School library catalog is available online: Westlake Library Catalog
The Santa Cruz Public Library, part of the Santa Cruz County Library system, is a wonderful resource! Santa Cruz County Library Home Page
Our local California School Library Association CSLA
Learn About Climate Change:
Learn about global warming at NASA's Climate Kids
NASA Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet
Learn about the weather around the world at NOAA Climate
Ask a question or get information at Britannica
Databases & Research Resources:
More information about Biographies
CultureGrams (info on global cultures)
CultureGrams-California. Perfect for 4th graders studying our state.
The True Size of... Compare the true size of every country. You can compare how big or small a country really is compared to another
Classroom Links:
Typing Agent – (For Typing Agent your Student ID# is both your login and password.)
Scholastic Reading Counts - (Login: 5 digit student ID #, Password: "stu"+ student ID # )
Link to Dance Party Classroom Login (You'll need your section code and secret picture). Section Codes by Class: Daniel-BGLLLM, Steve-HMQMKK, Bronwyn-BTBWRR, Dana-MJNTBM
Game Links:
Digital Passport (cybersafety games)
Climate Change Websites for Educators:
Is This My Home by Sean Henrik Moore, Illustrated by Yeji Yun (appropriate for primary students)
Animal Resources:
More Resources:

Learn for free about math, art, computer programming, economics, physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, finance, history, and more.
Curated & curriculum-relevant articles, images, videos, audio clips, primary sources, maps, research tools & sites
Username: santacruz
Password: scchsd
Ofrece miles de actualizaciones, artículos, imágenes, videos, clips de audio, fuentes primarias, mapas, herramientas de investigación y sitios web recomendados y curados.
Username: santacruz
Password: scchsd
Biography & animal reports: Articles, images, graphs, tables, political cartoons, and websites
Username: santacruz
Password: Decagon10!
Resource for researching state or country. Info on US Presidents & travel and culture guides.
Username: santacruz
Password: Decagon10!
One of the largest collections of digital newspaper content & millions of useable images.
Username: santacruz
Password: Decagon10!
Even More Resources:
Learn to code from home!
How to:
Check out a book from SC Public Libraries without a library card

Cómo: Sacar un libro de las Bibliotecas Públicas de Carolina del Sur sin una tarjeta de la biblioteca